The Choices Learning Center would like to thank the Mississippi County Prosecuting Attorney, Ms. Tiarra Turner and the Juvenile Department for visiting their campus. The Juvenile Department conducted an assembly on how truancy, peer pressure, substance abuse, disorderly conduct and bad choices can affect you for the rest of your life. The prosecuting attorney expressed how Important it is to attend school regularly and get a high school diploma. The students were allowed to ask questions and have rich dialogue about school laws and ways to avoid making bad decisions.
over 3 years ago, Christel Smith
OHS Choices Students
Mississippi County Prosecutor Attorney, Ms. Tiarra Turner
Choices Learning Center Assembly
OMS Choices students
We are loving our new app! Access documents, events, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 3 years ago, Osceola School District
Its Everything Osceola In your pocket.  Download the app.
Choices “Life Skills Program” On Friday October 1st, the Choices Learning Center (male) students and staff prepared the monthly breakfast for our campus and special guests. We invited several community members and district school employees to our monthly breakfast event. Our students presented a small token of appreciate to our special guest, Mr. Charles “Satellite” Douglas for his hard work and dedication to his community!
over 3 years ago, Christel Smith
Thank you Mrs. Ashley for supporting our students!
Choices students cooking and serving breakfast to the staff and students.
Cooking is a component of our Life Skills Program.
Mr. Gregory assisting a student with cooking!
Please join us in Celebrating our “Student of the Month” at the Choices Learning Center for the months of both August and September!!! #Choiceslearningcenterscholars
over 3 years ago, Christel Smith
Charneisha Poole is the “Student of the month”  at the Choices Learning Center  for the month of September!!
AnferneeAdams is the “Student of the month”  at the Choices Learning Center  for the month of August!!
The Choices Learning Center would like to congratulate several of their students on their academic achievements within their Credit Recovery Courses. Our students have set the bar high by creating small goals to be able to graduate in May of 2022. We are very proud of their perseverance and positive attitudes towards meeting their goals!!!😊
over 3 years ago, Christel Smith
Olyshawon completed his Biology course!  Great job Olyshawon!!!
Skyla completes her WH course!  Go Skyla
Dezmon completes 2 credit recovery courses!  Go Dezmon
Charneisha completes 3 credit recovery courses!  Keep up the great work Charneisha!
We tested our emergency notification system for parent communication Friday afternoon (Sept. 17). We will use this system to send out important updates and reminders. Please consider saving 989-00 to your contacts. If you did not receive a text message from our system, please contact the school to confirm your cell number is up-to-date.
over 3 years ago, Jeanette Walker
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held Thursday, September 16, from 3:00 - 7:00 p.m. Students will be dismissed one hour earlier than their regular dismissal time. P/T Conferences will also be held, Friday, September 17, from 8:00 - 11:00. Classes will not be in session.
over 3 years ago, Jeanette Walker
The Choices Learning Center would like to express their gratitude to State Representative, Mr. Monte Hodges for visiting their campus as part of the “Take your Legislature to School Month” Initiative!
over 3 years ago, Christel Smith
Thanks for visiting our campus!!!
Choices Learning Center invited  Mr. Monte Hodges to their campus  for the annual “ Take your Legislator to School Month” Initiative.  Mr Hodges is the District 55 State Representative.  He conducted a mock session of a bill being passed and etc.
Students take selfie with State Representative, Mr. Monte Hodges!
Students/Parents: Progress Reports were sent home with students from the Choices Learning Center on 9/3/2021. Parents if you would like a copy sent to you personally please do not hesitate to contact the principal, Christel Smith at (870) 563-1871 or email me your request at!
over 3 years ago, Christel Smith
National College Colors Day The students at the Choices Learning Center participated in the "National College Colors Day" celebration by wearing their college colors and apparel. #CollegeColors!
over 3 years ago, Christel Smith
Jahlisha Irby celebrates  UAPB for  "College Color Day 2021"  # GoLions
Tiyranique celebrates the  University of Washington  for  "College Color Day 2021"  #GOHuskies
Jakayla celebrates  Arkansas State University  for  "College Color Day 2021"  #GOWOLVES!!
Jamiyah celebrates  University of Arkansas/ Jakevion Celebrates Harvard   for  "College Color Day 2021"  #GOHOGS!, #Harvard
Choices Learning Center has implemented a monthly breakfast on the last friday of each month. This initiative is part of our life skills program and is tied to both our SEL goals and academic goals. Our students learn teamwork as well as planning and patience through the cooking process. They also integrate both math and science skills or concepts through the opportunities to utilize measurements and scientific factors through the preparation and baking process. We highly emphasize the importance of hygiene and proper etiquette especially during this pandemic time period.
over 3 years ago, Jeanette Walker
Photos of students making breakfast
photo of student preparing breakfast
group photo of students making breakfast