National College Colors Day The students at the Choices Learning Center participated in the "National College Colors Day" celebration by wearing their college colors and apparel. #CollegeColors!
over 3 years ago, Christel Smith
Jahlisha Irby celebrates  UAPB for  "College Color Day 2021"  # GoLions
Tiyranique celebrates the  University of Washington  for  "College Color Day 2021"  #GOHuskies
Jakayla celebrates  Arkansas State University  for  "College Color Day 2021"  #GOWOLVES!!
Jamiyah celebrates  University of Arkansas/ Jakevion Celebrates Harvard   for  "College Color Day 2021"  #GOHOGS!, #Harvard
Choices Learning Center has implemented a monthly breakfast on the last friday of each month. This initiative is part of our life skills program and is tied to both our SEL goals and academic goals. Our students learn teamwork as well as planning and patience through the cooking process. They also integrate both math and science skills or concepts through the opportunities to utilize measurements and scientific factors through the preparation and baking process. We highly emphasize the importance of hygiene and proper etiquette especially during this pandemic time period.
over 3 years ago, Jeanette Walker
Photos of students making breakfast
photo of student preparing breakfast
group photo of students making breakfast